Hunter Biden, Big Tech Censorship, And Afghanistan: House GOP Set For Year Of Investigation

Hunter Biden, Big Tech Censorship, And Afghanistan: House GOP Set For Year Of Investigation

With a narrow majority in the House of Representatives and no majority in the Senate, Republicans hope to carry their weight in the coming year, exposing global influence and relentlessly focusing on investigations they believe will damage the Democratic Party ahead of the midterm elections. - Business schemes, grandiose technological corruption, and China's ongoing misdeeds.

While it is unclear whether Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will have the 218 votes he needs to secure the presidency when the House convenes today, he is confident of them by filing a series of follow-up elections. Even before Republicans won the majority, McCarthy began holding regular training sessions over the summer for members and staff, according to The Washington Post , including House Republican lawmakers. A course that identifies effective strategies for conducting follow-up surveys is called: Surveys 101.

Hunter Biden's laptop computer and traces of it will be at the center of these investigations.

The New York Post first reported in October 2020 that the laptop was recovered from a repair shop in Delaware. According to the owner of the computer repair shop that gave the laptop to Rudy Giuliani, the device became the legal property of the president's son under the contract he signed when he bought the loaded laptop left in the window.

One of the famous emails described a business deal between a Chinese company and the Biden family.

Tony Bobulinski, who was listed as the recipient of the letter first reported by the New York Post , suggested in a statement to Fox News last year that the October 2020 correspondence referred to a stock split. Suggest: "20" H" and "10 that H holds for the older child."

"The reference to 'big man' in the May 13, 2017, high-profile letter is a reference to the sender of the letter, Joe Biden," said Bobulinski, CEO of Sinohawk Holdings in Hunter Biden and James Gillier. Biden's ousted business partner is being called as a witness, and if he's willing to speak to the media, he won't need a subpoena.

Sinohawk said it is a partnership between CEFC/President Ye and the Chinese acting through the Biden family.

Representative James Comer ( R.

"Eliminating waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government is the prime mission of the regulatory commission," Kumar said. As such, this investigation is a priority.

He recently said the committee could begin closed-door hearings related to the investigation this month, but won't hold public meetings until late February or early March because the Republican presidential race will leave the party "a little behind" in drafting committees. .

"We have to talk to a lot of people, look into a lot of allegations and try to find real evidence of possible wrongdoing," he said of the Biden family investigation.

Hunter Biden's allies met in September to come up with a plan to tackle the proposed impeachment. Hunter Biden's friend and lawyer, Kevin Morris, held a strategy meeting at his home and suggested that the young Biden team might be more aggressive and suggested that the team file defamation lawsuits against Fox News, Eric Trump and Rudy Giuliani, the Washington Post reported. .

Morris also described an "extensive search for two potential witnesses against Hunter Biden: Tony Bobulinski, an opposition business partner, and John Paul McKissack, a computer repairman."

According to Jonathan Turley , a law professor at George Washington University . Morris' plan could easily be seen as a declaration of war on potential witnesses against Hunter Biden.

However, in response to calls by some Republicans to impeach President Biden, McCarthy said, "We're not going to vote for someone just because they're in office."

"We will enforce the law," he said earlier this year. "If there is a person who violates the law and the result is a criminal case, we will do it at any time, but we will not use it for political purposes."

In addition to Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings, another subject of scrutiny is the efforts of intelligence officials and social media giants to quickly erase and erase the laptop's history.

Twitter blocked a New York Post report on the laptop in October 2020 under its "disabled content" policy. Journalist Matt Taibe wrote on Twitter that the decision to suspend reporting was made without the knowledge of current CEO Jack Dorsey.

A former Twitter employee told TB the reason for censoring his Twitter story: “They are their own employees. “The hacking was an excuse, but within hours almost everyone knew it wasn't going to continue, but no one had the courage to change things.

"I find it difficult to understand the political basis for calling this dangerous, and the best explanation for this is that we're waiting to see if this story is the product of piracy," said former American Trenton Kennedy. Twitter's head of political communications wrote to senior staff at the time. "Unless we have good reason to suggest the connection is unsafe, we're going to have some serious questions about that."

After releasing the first parts of the Twitter files, McCarthy said he planned to testify about the laptop story from 51 former intelligence officers who signed a letter claiming Russian disinformation.

McCarthy criticized members of the intelligence community for downplaying the story, saying it was "a horrible thing we're dealing with" regarding the censorship of the Twitter archive.

Many of the 51 intelligence officers who signed the letter claiming that Hunter Biden's information was false had security clearances, according to Russia.

"Why did you take a picture?" she asked. Why did they lie to the American people? Applause Briana? Why use the name America can give you more information for political gain and lie to the American people?

McCarthy said he plans to investigate whether Facebook and Google are working to remove data.

Republican lawmakers could pressure big tech companies on other censorship issues. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry accused the federal government of "cooperating with social media companies to stifle free speech by censoring their programs." Courts.

The lawsuit includes 67 defendants, including senior officials from the Centers for Disease Control, the FBI, the White House and others.

Regardless of Biden, House Republicans plan to investigate Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In November, McCarthy called on House Republicans to step down Mayorkas to avoid possible investigation and impeachment.

The mayor led the Department of Homeland Security to break records for illegal border crossings. Last fiscal year, US border officials intercepted 2.38 million migrants at the border, a 37 percent increase over the previous year.

Republicans will also scrutinize America's withdrawal from Afghanistan. In the year A February 2022 report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee found that 13 service members had been killed in a bombing while on leave, and nearly 9,000 Americans had left the country after remaining in Afghanistan .

In the year In August 2021, the world watched in horror as Kabul fell, and as crowds tried to leave, Taliban fighters pounded Afghanistan as they tried to enter an airport where US forces were disembarking. US intelligence agencies warn of possible collapse of Afghan army and government A month ago, Biden publicly assured Americans that Taliban control was "inevitable."

House Republicans may be investigating the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home. Pursuant to a search warrant issued at Trump's home, law enforcement searched the home in August as part of an investigation into Trump for destroying or destroying records, obstructing an investigation and violating the Espionage Act .

"Attorney General Garland. Put away your papers and clear your calendar," McCarthy tweeted on the day of the attack . "He has seen enough. The Justice Department has reached the level of intolerable gun politics."

Garland announced plans to appoint a special counsel to oversee two criminal investigations into Trump, including the misuse of classified government documents and a separate investigation into his involvement in the events leading up to the Jan. 6 Capitol riots.

Meanwhile, Kumar said the oversight board's first public hearing will focus on fraud related to Covid-19, including the misuse of federal dollars, unemployment insurance and loan payments to state and local government wage protection programs.

He also said the House Select Committee's investigation into the January 6 riots at the Capitol is "not on his agenda."

In return, McCarthy promised to form a committee to select the Chinese House of Representatives. He originally tried to launch the committee in 2020, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) halted the effort early in the Covid-19 pandemic, fearing it would politicize the China issue.

Republicans plan to revisit the origins of Covid-19 and the pandemic, including extending school closures and Covid-related vaccination mandates.

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