Minecraft: 23 Best Villager Trades

Minecraft: 23 Best Villager Trades

The goal of Minecraft is to collect the necessary items and tools to move from simple survival to a sandbox world. While players can take the hard route and try to find rare and useful items in the wild, the most effective way is to trade needed items by interacting with villagers.

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Citizens come with different jobs and, therefore, different professions. There are two types of deals that players should be aware of: Emerald Deals, which allow players to easily mine emeralds without digging through the mountain biome, and Mining, which allow players to use emeralds and other items for various purchases. The goods are the values ​​of the villagers. These could be “Enchanted Books” or “Forest Mansions” cards. Also, let's take a look at the best deals on Minecraft Villager.

Updated January 19, 2024 by Ben Painter: Minecraft is a never-ending game because it has no real ending and players have endless opportunities to explore the deep world. Much of Minecraft consists of villages and NPCs that can be exchanged for experience, emeralds (the game's currency), and other useful items. Many players have set up trading rooms for villagers, a safe way to store creatures like squids and keep track of the deals they offer. Some deals are better than deals. This update adds five more useful suggestions that can be very useful for the player.

Most trades can only be completed a certain number of times without supplies from villagers. Citizens will regenerate twice per day by interacting with their units, so make sure they always have access to units. The more trades a player makes, the better the price, so players will notice that the trading prices listed here change over time as the villagers prefer the player.

23 Librarian – 4 books per emerald (apprentice)

Easiest way to get: Cow (leather), Sugarcane (paper).

The Village Librarian is probably the most useful villager in the game, as he offers several useful professions to make the game easier. If the player has an enchanted table and a full enchanted shield, the book will not be of much use.

So players can trade with the librarian for emeralds, books are easily obtained, and libraries appear in some buildings. But they can be easily made by killing a few cows (which are easy to farm for leather) and making paper from sugar cane (which is easy to grow).

22 clerics - 32 rotten flesh per emerald (new)

The easiest way to get this: kill zombies.

Rotten Meat is a useless item in Minecraft , not to mention a source of food, but causes starvation effects. However, it can be given to wolves without any additional effects. But this is not very useful, so the main thing for this item is to exchange it for an emerald.

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The Emerald will cost 32 Rotten Flesh, but considering how easy this item is to get, it will be an easy walk in the park. Players can spend the night killing zombies for large amounts of rotten meat, or create a mob farm that automatically kills zombies and collects items. If done correctly, players will turn into rotting flesh.

21 Mason – 10 clay for 1 Emerald (Child)

The easiest way to get there is to search the river.

The Construction Trade for Beginners (requires a whetstone) is one of the easiest trades, allowing players to quickly obtain emeralds. To collect dirt, players will only need a shovel and a body of water, such as a river or nearby pond. Ideal for swamp biomes.

Slugs breed underwater and are usually found in shallow water rather than the ocean. It can be difficult to distinguish it from water when viewed from the surface, but with a shovel, even a stone one, it quickly breaks up. Since they are easy to obtain, they can be a trade item for newbies if there is a manufacturer in town.

20 Tanner - 6 for the emerald skin (for beginners)

The easiest way to get this is to kill cows.

Leather is a very useful item and can be used to craft armor, item frames, horse armor, and books. After players pass a certain stage of the game, the skin ages. Considering how easy it is to farm, raise, and kill cows, excess hide should be replaced with emeralds in addition to XP.

Using a loot talisman on a sword will allow the player to get more loot from the cow, making it easier to find the desired item.

19 Fletcher and Tanning - 26 Flints for Emerald (apprentice)

Easiest way to get: gravel mining.

The townspeople of Fletcher and Scarry have a good level 2 trade, requiring 26 flints to obtain an emerald. This is definitely not the easiest deal, especially for players new to the world of survival. However, players who survive for a while may have a large amount of flint in their stash.

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Alternatively, players can use a gravel shovel to quickly and easily mine flint. Each gravel block has a chance to drop flint, and if the shovel used has an Amulet of Fortune, this chance is increased.

18 butchers - 10 sweet berries per emerald (master)

The easiest way to get: Harvest from sweet raspberry bushes.

It's a shame that this profession is at the top level for Butchers, as it is incredibly beneficial to players born in the taiga biome, where sweet berries are plentiful in the wild. Sweet berry bushes grow very quickly, so players can quickly build a farm if they find sweet berries.

For 10 sweet berries, players can get 1 Emerald. This is definitely a more specialized deal as it requires a biome-specific item, but it's not impossible considering how many times players have a chance to spawn in Taigan. The only downside is the high level of this trading, as leveling up the Butcher requires players to trade large amounts of raw food, which they can use to feed themselves after cooking.

17 fishermen - 4 fish per emerald (master)

The easiest way to get it: fishing.

Another great main tier deal that unfortunately gets stuck behind many tiers is 4 Pufferfish for 1 Emerald Fishing Village. Pufferfish are quite common in almost any aquarium, making them a great default choice for casual Minecraft fishing players.

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Still, good luck to Ryback in reaching that level. While it's certainly possible, players will have to sacrifice some food resources, such as edible fish, to get there.

Secretary 16 - 3 gold per emerald (child)

The easiest way to get: mining in the Netherlands

The scientists stay in the villages where they prepare food. Most of their trades are not that interesting and players usually use churches to trade emeralds, which is the most important trade in the game.

The priests have an interesting deal that costs the player 3 gold for one emerald. Considering that players can mine gold from scratch fairly easily and aside from trading piglets, gold has very little use in Minecraft , making it a good business if you're trying to farm emeralds.

15 Masons - 12 Hollow Quartz per Emerald (Expert)

The easiest way to get: mining in the Netherlands

Buildings will appear in any city where the builder is located. Freemasons are excellent traders for those looking for special blocks, but it is best to forego most of your trades in favor of trading individual emeralds.

Masons exchange 12 lower quartz for one emerald. If players are lucky enough to have a good Wasteland biome when entering the Nether, they can mine a bunch of Void Quartz for XP and then trade the quartz for Mason Emeralds.

14 hunters - 20 threads per emerald (child)

Easiest way to get it: kill the spider.

To visit the village, hunters need a barrel. Their offerings are more unique, but there is one that stands out from the crowd: 20 chains per emerald.

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It's more expensive than other offers mentioned here, but players with access to the Spider Farm will have a huge advantage. If players encounter a mine with multiple spider spawners, they must save these spawn locations for a spider farm that they can use to gain infinite levels and infinite experience.

13 Fletchers - 32 wands per emerald (child)

The easiest way to get it: make it from wood or collect it from sawmills.

Fetching Tools will appear in a city with a Fetching Table, one of the few work units in the game that does not yet have an in-game job. The Fletchers will be selling potentially attractive private investments, but their emerald business isn't bad either.

For most players, collecting 32 sticks is quite easy, especially if they have access to a forest in Minecraft . Those with less forest land can start a tree farm early in the game and collect as much wood as possible to trade for sticks.

12 farmers - 20 wheat per Panna (child)

Easiest way to get: wheat harvest.

The advantage of farmers is that they are found in almost every city. Farmers need fertilizer to do their job properly and they also have many good professions.

The goal is to trade 20 wheat and 1 emerald, as most players will likely build large agricultural farms and have plenty of food left over after feeding the farm animals. Almost any Minecraft player will eventually be able to afford this trade, and players can even use crops found in towns to help with this trade.

11 Traveling Trader – 5 emeralds for a nautilus shell.

Easiest way to get: civilian trade.

Outside the city, players can sometimes encounter a traveling merchant who will appear with the player after a few days. The traveling merchant does not sell great treasures; His inventory is usually full of rare plants and blocks, mostly for decoration.

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However, players who want to build an underwater base and build a pipeline will find it very useful to exchange 5 emeralds for a nautilus shell. Nautilus shells are very difficult to farm because they require a lot of luck to get them out of the water, so being able to trade them with a traveling merchant is very useful.

10 cartographers - 14 emeralds and a compass for the forest palace map (apprentice)

The easiest way to get it: trade with other townspeople (Emerald), make 4 Iron Stones and 1 Red Stone (Compass).

Another very rare item that players must trade for is the Forest Mansion Map, which can be found in the Cartographer's inventory after several traders have been flattened. The first map he gives actually leads to a sea monument, which can also be a good deal, although the dungeons under these waters are much easier to find naturally than a jungle palace, so it's best to save the emerald for the last deal.

For this trade, players will need 14 emeralds and a compass. Although the map shows Woodland Mansion nearby, players should not expect a short trip there. These structures can sometimes be over 10,000 blocks away, making it nearly impossible to quickly reach them from the world. By traveling in a vacuum through the harsh side of the palace, players will have their travel time reduced if they find a safe path.

The easiest way to cast: underground mine.

In the case of the best minecraft emerald offers, three townspeople will see it here: the Weaponsmith (requires a smelting furnace), the open craftsman (requires a table) and the tool maker (requires a whetstone).

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Their exchange of 15 Premium Coals for 1 Emerald is the best exchange in the game if players want to line their pockets with more emeralds to pay for other trades. The great thing is that three different townsfolk have the same profession, so players can create the quest sets they want and offer what they're looking for to townsfolk who don't have all three.

The easiest way to get it: create an iron farm.

After the player has traded enough with the three aforementioned villagers, another trade will open up, which is interesting but more expensive. Players can exchange 4 Iron Receivers for an Emerald in Armarasmith, Armarasmith or Talsmith.

Some might argue that this is a terrible deal because late in the game the price and availability of iron increases as diamonds become a rich resource for spells like Fortune III. However, iron is very easy to work with and diamonds remain unchanged. Players can craft an iron golm to obtain the iron needed for useful emerald trades.

7 libraries – 5-64 issues and 1 book (student)

The easiest path to power: from other villages to business (Emerald), Cows (Leather) and Sugarcane (Paper) (Book)

While Emerald's offerings are very important to Minecraft players, they are not the best offerings in the game. In fact, the most important members of the profession are the librarians, who appear in the city until the chair is obtained. Library experts on magical books, as well as at 1st level, can gain any level available for any mantra or craft.

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The price of this agreement may vary slightly, up to 64 emeralds. However, players can end this deal by breaking the platform and return it until they receive the contract they want. This is the only reliable way to get rare magic in a game called Mending.

6 shepherds - 18 for an emerald skin (child)

The easiest way to get it is by shearing sheep.

Another great and easy way to get an emerald in the game is through the shepherd, who exchanges 18 skins for one emerald. Players can use lamb here, possibly automatically, and quickly gain a lot of wool, which the shepherd will collect until the maximum amount per trading day is reached.

Minecraft is good for a lot of things in Minecraft, so it helps to have a constant supply, and if there are a lot of shepherds around, this is a crazy way to create a big stupa out of shiny green coins.

5 Librarians - 1 Emerald for 4 glasses (Journeyman)

The easiest way to gain power: trade with other nations

The glass farm, house and other structures are useful components because they provide natural light to the buildings. Sometimes this can be difficult to achieve. They are made from molten sand, but unless players are near a desert or beach, sand can be difficult to find.

To fix this - replace the glass with the village library, this removes the need for sand and the glass is quite good for the emerald. If players use some of these handy businesses to collect large amounts of emeralds, it will be easy for them to get a lot of glass.

4 merchant travelers - 6 for blue ice emanation

The easiest way to gain power: trade with other nations

From time to time, traveling merchants will appear at someone's base or village, offering useful items, many of which are rare in the biome, making them difficult to purchase.

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Minecraft allows players to explore and build. There are many games that tap into the same creativity.

One is blue ice, which is found in icebergs and other glacial structures; This is very useful because it is slippery and increases the flow of water. It's amazing that in the age of disks, places like the Void create a quick walking path that will help you get to those doors. From blue ice, cervical or irregularly devouring ice to the source of light. If the players have emeralds, you will receive as much as possible from the traveler.

Trading Rip Minecraft

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