OpenAIs New App Store Could Turn ChatGPT Into An Everything App

OpenAIs New App Store Could Turn ChatGPT Into An Everything App

ChatGPT also acts as a kind of translator or helper for GPT applications. When WIRED AllTrails asked GPT to recommend a two-hour hike in Berkeley, California, ChatGPT responded by asking how strenuous the hike should be and whether the trail should be dog-friendly. ChatGPT then requested permission to call the AllTrail API and forwarded the request to AllTrails before collecting and displaying the returned proposal.

GPT content is also limited by policies and guidelines that OpenAI has already implemented. When asked to design a birthday invitation featuring Nazis, GPT Canva responded: “Sorry, I can't help you with this. Konzentrieren wir uns darauf, etwas Positives und Angemessenes zu schaffen". Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass prominent Unternehmen die Grenzen der Inhaltsrichtlinien von OpenAI überschreiten, aber einige GPT-Hersteller und ihre Benutzer werden dies tun, und das Unternehmen muss nun e ine neue Ebender e derhalts.

In the first quarter of this year, OpenAI plans to introduce a payment model for developers and app developers (the company calls them "builders") who create GPTs. For now, the company only says that payment will be based on interactions achieved with the GPT user. "We'll announce details about payment criteria as we get closer," OpenAI's blog post about the store's launch said. This suggests that OpenAI's model will be similar to platforms that reward developers and creators based on how they engage their audience and how effectively they attract people to their hosting platform, rather than , such as sharing revenue from app sales 70/30. which Apple has used for its mobile app store since 2008.

Canva already knows the creator's payment model. The popular and affordable design app, with 170 million monthly active users and 17 million paid subscribers, pays royalties for every premium theme used on its service. It seems Canva is no stranger to generative AI either, and last year it partnered with OpenAI and its competitor Stable Diffusion to make AI image generators available in its app.

Canva now has its own GPT at ChatGPT, which hosts its product on the AI ​​platform it previously used to add AI to its app. Anwar Hanif, Canva's general manager and ecosystem leader, says Canva users often want to create or iterate on custom designs, rather than have the AI ​​engine create something from scratch. (Let's be honest, AI-generated images can be just...weird sometimes.) At the same time, Hanif says: "From our perspective, we want to be where our users are." new technologies".

According to Hanif, Canva has not yet discussed monetizing its GPT with OpenAI. Currently, when users ask Canva GPT to draw their design, it displays some thumbnails and then redirects them to the Canva website if they want to continue editing the design, potentially showing how GPT can provide new opportunities for businesses. This attracts new customers.

Olson, Consensus' CEO, said he understands OpenAI's plans to charge based on usage and interaction, arguing that it fits with the company's core business of processing and organizing information. He'd like more clarity on what he calls a "revenue sharing roadmap," but for now, "it's a way to provide value to ChatGPT Plus users , as well as a channel to get people interested." our search product. and more." learn about us." Sometimes it makes sense to go where the focus is, and ChatGPT is currently the center of the tech universe.

What if payment terms are found to be unfavorable when OpenAI discloses them? "We'll cross that bridge when we get there," Olson said.

I created a ChatGPT app in 20 minutes using NoCode.

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