Three Big Fears For Tech In 2024

Three Big Fears For Tech In 2024

Now that 2023 is almost over, we technology researchers have begun examining how technology will impact our world in the new year. I usually publish technology prediction columns for each coming year, but this year I want to address three big fears about how technology will impact our lives in 2024.

Before I share my list of fears, I would like to point out that technology in general has entered the lives of billions of people. When we began covering technology in 1981, we aimed primarily at a professional audience. Then, in 1991, we experienced a shift and personal computers began to broadly penetrate the consumer and educational markets. However, two technologies introduced in the 2000s made the technology available to a wider global audience. The first was social media. It started with MySpace, which launched in 2003, and then really took off with the launch of Facebook in 2004. Today, billions of people around the world use various social networks, so for most people this technology has become an integral part of their lives.

The smartphone is the second product that brings technology closer to billions of people. Although the first smartphones were introduced at the turn of the century, it was Apple's introduction of the iPhone in 2007 that accelerated interest in smartphones and the growth of the hockey stick. As a result, technology has permeated our lives in many ways and, for many, is now integrated into many of the things people do today.


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