This Smartwatch Is Also A Wrist Console With Retro Games, And I Want It Now!

This Smartwatch Is Also A Wrist Console With Retro Games, And I Want It Now!
  • The Retro Game Clock is a Kickstarter project where the screen opens to reveal an entire retro game console.
  • Creator This smartwatch is inspired by the creator of the Pebble smartwatch and can easily handle any games from the DOS era.
  • Currently under construction and shipping in November 2024, the retro gaming watch is priced at $169 on Kickstarter.

When it gets boring from time to time We're looking at several unique smartwatches you'll want to buy right now.If you've spent countless hours on your Wii or GameBoy, you'll love Jason Rogers' Kickstarter project, the Retro Gaming Smart Watch. Inspired by Eric Mijekowski, co-founder and CEO of the Pebble smartwatch, Eric is currently the co-founder of Beeper.

After some brainstorming, he came up with the idea of ​​a late hour. Basically, it will be a premium smartwatch that can easily transform into an old gaming console that not everyone works with. Features of modern smart watches. However, it has enough "smart watch" features to call it.

As shown above, that's what you think. Wear the old watch on your wrist and let you track steps, send messages, and more. An efficient smartwatch. It has a mechanical hinge and you can flip the screen to open the other one. Now the old watch has been transformed into a gaming console.

Check out the game controller's dedicated buttons - they're quite small, but they're filled with a proper D-pad and ABXY buttons.

Retro Smart Gaming Watch: Specifications and Features

The retro gaming smartwatch features a 160MHz ARM Cortex M33 processor . This processor has two low-power cores used to power Bluetooth and smart clock sensors.

In terms of RAM, there is 1.5MB of RAM and 8MB of external RAM. Also part of the package is a low-power 2D graphics processor . Speaking about its performance, the manufacturer says it can handle "any DOS-era game," adding that the "[Retro Gaming Watch] has more horsepower than a Nintendo 64-era system."

What about smartwatch features? This retro gaming watch will have the same connectivity as other smartwatches. It connects to your phone using Bluetooth. Once connected to "any smartphone" (it supports Android and iOS) , the watch "allows you to send and receive messages, interact with apps, and download apps, games and news," according to the manufacturer.

Battery life was a major concern for the developer during development. However, Efinix, Inc. A company known as He built exactly the FPGA board he wanted. These special boards had very low power requirements. The old game watch manufacturer contacted them and after a negotiation they bought their board.

During the testing phase, the creator of the retro game watch found the conceptual design to be a perfect fit. The prototype of the game is powered by a 600 mAh battery and is capable of delivering 2-4 hours of battery life .

The power consumption in watch mode is only 3% of what is needed for gaming, so the manufacturer claims that the user can get up to 4 days of battery life with this gaming smartwatch.

Price and availability

The gaming smartwatch is currently a Kickstarter project. At the time of writing, the manufacturer is seeking 150% funding for the registered project. You can spend $169 as a " pledge " to buy it. Rewards for this pledge include a standard retro game watch with the original set.

Watch Retro Gaming is expected to ship to early backers in November 2024 . You can also spend $350 for the "beta testing" tier, which gives you the first version of this product and the final version once the build is complete.

Based on the success of the project, the manufacturer is considering adding other features. Assuming the project is successful in the future, the manufacturer may add new features such as a heart rate sensor, microSD card, camera and shoulder buttons. If you like this Kickstarter project, consider backing it and getting a mini keyboard.

What do you think about the retro game watch project? Would you buy this smart watch? Let us know in the comments below.

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