With Larry Ferlazzo

With Larry Ferlazzo

(This is the last post in a three-part series. The first part can be viewed here. and here is the second part .)

Question of the week:

How do you think AI tools like ChatGPT will impact K-12 schools and what practical strategies can educators use to respond?

The series began with Brett Vogelsinger, Gina Parnaby and TJ Wilson. .

In the second part , Susan Barber, Andrew Cohen, Elizabeth Matheny and Amanda Kremnitzer contributed ideas.

Today I share my thoughts with Samantha Parker, Kelly McGraw and Nick Kelly.

"It's a new paradigm"

Over the past month, many articles and columns have been written about ChatGPT and its impact on learning (you can see a selection of them in The Best Posts. OH n Education and ChatGPT and previous post p of this series).

Not sure if I have a new approach, but here is my take on the matter (may change anytime in the next few hours, days, weeks and months):

ChatGPT and other advances in artificial intelligence will force many of us to fundamentally change the elements of our learning. While the current version often makes some fairly obvious mistakes (such as quoting uncredited sources), it's safe to say that future versions will be more advanced. While there are some tools that primarily recognize AI text, they will always be the backbone of the latest and greatest text-generating AI applications. Do we want to add extra stress to our teachers' lives by effectively supervising student writing?

In addition, AI-enabled writing is unlikely to become ubiquitous in many aspects of personal and professional life. There is an old saying among community organizers: "The world lives as it is, not as we would like it to be." Since math teachers have adapted since the invention of the calculator, shouldn't we be wasting energy on writing to our students about the future, not about the past? ?

The articles I linked to at the beginning of this column have many specific ideas on how we can do this. A particularly good strategy for me is to ask students to suggest an AI platform and then openly comment on what they think could be improved.

But this does not mean that we should "throw the baby out with the water." In order for students to adequately critique and improve AI, they need to develop their writing skills. The call of the siren of artificial intelligence will be very attractive to many of our students. To minimize its attractive features, we can use strategies: use handwritten essays in class B; focuses on writing and requires students to deeply reflect on their personal experiences or specific classroom activities and lessons; and/or project-based or problem-based learning, often based on unique local situations. Of course, allowing students to write about topics of personal interest can also make the AI ​​less likely to want to do the hard work.

For us English learners, AI tools present some unique challenges. These days, it's hard to keep students from overusing Google Translate when writing. If I got paid a dollar every time I say, "Use Google Translate for words, not sentences," I could retire sooner. They often act out of fear of making a mistake rather than laziness (no matter how welcoming and supportive their classes and teachers are). While I think Google Docs' smart compilation feature suggesting the right words would be useful for learning English, I don't expect using AI to persuade ELLs is not a strategy they rely on.

However, one of the benefits for teachers using these AI technologies will be the ability to generate examples of good and bad students. For example, ChatGPT was quick to provide me with simple and accessible history resume templates and comparison and contrast essays to share with my ELL USA history class. The links to the "Best of" list I shared earlier in this answer have provided teachers with many more ideas for creating decent classroom materials that require only minor modifications.

I agree with the decision of some districts, including the one where I teach, to block ChatGPT for the time being. I don't think many teachers, myself included, are qualified enough to handle this task. The block raises questions of fairness as it means that students accessing laptops through school-provided devices cannot use a blocked site such as ChatGPT, as well as students with their own devices. However, since it is now the middle of the school year, most of us are already familiar with the "voice" and style of our students, so it may be easier to recognize AI-generated text used for homework.

However, I think by next fall we should all be ready to make those changes and get into ChatGPT. This is a new paradigm, and we'd better get used to it.

"No one should be surprised"

Samantha Parker M.Ed. He received a BA in Instructional Design and Technology from Arizona State University and a BA in Middle English Education from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. She currently works as a high school English teacher at ASU Prep Digital, part of ASU Prep Academy:

I remember when I was little, my grandfather took me to work with him. He was an engineer who built and maintained paper mills. He led us through a building filled with machines that automate the paper industry; The highlight was that she asked if we wanted popcorn. He took us on vacation and made popcorn: canned, in minutes, no oven, no oil, no grain. I am amazed. It was like magic. Now almost every home has a microwave oven.

I also remember all the fun we had with Just Ask Jeeves. when the Internet dominates. These days, we can ask Siri or Alexa to turn on our music, make shopping lists, and even turn the lights on or off in our house. We now have OpenAI's ChatGPT, which can write essays, create plans, create lesson plans, and even write IEP goal rationales. Our K-12 schools don't limit the tech world with their best practices.

Recently, teacher social media platforms have been inundated with feedback on OpenAI's ChatGPT. Some accept it, while others avoid it. Mastery, assessment and educational discussions about the 21st century. These were roughly the skills of the 21st century. However, much of the curriculum and the standards that define it are based on the tools and ideas of the 20th century. ChatGPT is the perfect place for teachers, curriculum developers, and administrators to start their search for reform.

ChatGPT is a tool to measure the effectiveness of our tasks, especially traditional classroom writing. An informative, persuasive, argumentative, or analytical essay has fallen under the formal spell of standardization. When the robot can write an essay or complete a written task, it's time to change tasks. And going back in time with a pencil and paper in class is not an option.

Standards and assessments should be consistent with the overall goals that we teach writing and what students should focus on in order to achieve those goals. Schools have been teaching essay writing to all students for many years, almost a decade. However, it is rarely used as a form of communication outside of high school. It's time to align the writing standards with the writing skills students will need after high school. ChatGPT or other AI writing software can help schools with this. As writing and organizational tasks become automated, the AI ​​tools themselves can help determine the communication and writing skills we need to build our resumes. However, if a computer can do the job, what skills should people focus on?

I have sent many post requests to ChatGPT since it became available. Overall, the results were less than stellar. The writing of the program was rudimentary at best, often redundant and devoid of authorial voice. Does it improve over time? Perhaps, however, this is an opportunity to appreciate the intricacies of human writing with ChatGPT students, describe what actions the AI ​​software can take, and demonstrate the importance and practice of academic integrity.

We will show students how AI can help students improve their writing skills in more than just organizational and executive tasks. By sharing an AI example with students and comparing it to the student's example, you can better understand the differences. This can be a great way to practice your voice and fluency. Two writing skills that can be difficult to learn. Showing how the AI ​​got the reference material or not becomes an argument about plagiarism and copyright.

One complaint I've heard recently about AI typing programs is that they often feel biased. Have students create examples using AI to analyze and identify possible biased transitions. Then discuss our writing style and ways to reduce it.

ChatGPT should surprise no one as artificial intelligence and machine learning have long been competing for K-12 education. Automation, artificial intelligence, and other technologies can help us complete routine and repetitive tasks. Preparing students to use and understand the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of these technologies should be part of any school curriculum.

Don't think of it as an "illegal cheat sheet".

Kelly McGraw and Nick Kelly are professors at the Queensland University of Technology:

Since the end of November, I have been writing about how AI can be used in the context of teacher training and lesson planning. , our feed is full of posts about ChatGPT and how it can be used in education. K-12 educators who are itching to implement new and existing AI tools over the holidays may experience student backlash and access restrictions.

The experience will be impossible

In addition to talking about how AI will shape the future social media techno landscape, many educators around the world and across fields are currently struggling to get creative with new tools. Not all educators will want or are willing to do this. But from now on, all K-12 educators will face the challenge of designing learning experiences for students who have access to these tools at home.

The release of AI tools will continue to generate hype. It's like we all bought Encarta on CD for our new family computer. Or when textbooks appeared on the Internet and they were still free and most teachers did not know about it yet. Or when Wikipedia was born. Or when laptops (and later BYOD systems) will be in schools. Or when YouTube opened the door to educational videos to share on social media. These are the extreme moments of Ed-tech.

The sudden and widespread interest in using AI tools for learning means that some of our students and/or parents are already using them. or ready to use these tools. What families? What student? What tool? And for what purpose?

Let students speak

Competent and experienced educators are well aware that when it comes to adding AI tools to the curriculum, students need to know what level they are at. Learner-centered approaches, including the practice of giving students a say in what they want to learn, will be critical to success.

Educators can use AI tools by being student-centered, putting student experiences at the center of discussions, and experimenting with new tools. Contains:

  • view students' previous knowledge of artificial intelligence;
  • That the tools you choose to use are available, accessible, and legal to your students;
  • ask students what interests them when it comes to artificial intelligence; AND
  • Critically reviewing the lesson plans or activities you create with AI to test your pedagogical approach puts students first.

As students are encouraged to create accounts to use tools such as ChatGPT, a verified learning experience in grades K-12 must comply with the OpenAI Terms of Use Article 1. :

1. Registration and login

You must be at least 18 years of age and able to enter into a binding agreement with OpenAI in order to use the Services. If you are using the Services on behalf of another person or entity, you must be authorized to accept the Terms on their behalf...

Finally, students may be denied access to these tools at school. During these days. But AI tools such as Encartas, tutorials, Wikipedia, YouTube, and mobile devices will also enter our learning context. keep teaching media - information literacy and showing students that you , too, have the knowledge and ethics required to use popular AI tools will go a long way.

The development of artificial intelligence encourages us to evaluate not only the product, but also the process.

As many have immediately noticed, exams with artificial intelligence are probably worth considering. But this has been going on for a long time due to widespread contract fraud. However, significant changes in the current valuation paradigm remain elusive.

One way to address these threats to academic integrity is to increase the use of supervised examinations as an assessment method. Another decision process is to include the collection of evidence in the assessment activities.

Creating ideas in which the process is evaluated and analyzed in the same way as the product is not a new idea. Art educators use tools such as the "process log" to document and review the creative process, while design educators typically focus on the design process rather than the design product. Investigation - Learning processes also have methods record, analyze and share data as it is created.

The existential crisis we have entered the educational space in response to ChatGPT shows how far we must go to adopt process-based educational approaches. But the strategies inherent in these approaches allow ChatGPT and other AI tools to be used transparently and ethically as just another digital tool for learning and teaching, rather than turning them into illegal cheat sheets.

Thank you Samantha, Kelly and Nick for sharing your thoughts!

Please consider asking a question that will be answered in the next post. You sent it to me at lferlazzo@educationweek.org . If you submit, please let me know if I can use your real name if I wish, or if you prefer to remain anonymous and keep a pseudonym.

You can reach me on Twitter @Larryferlazzo .

Education Week has released a collection of posts from this blog as an e-book along with new material. It's called Classroom Management Questions and Answers: Expert Learning Strategies. .

Just a memory; You can subscribe to this blog and receive email updates (The RSS feed for this blog and all EdWeek articles has been redesigned - the new ones are not yet available). And if you missed any of the highlights from the first 11 years of this blog, you can check out the rankings below.

I also make a Twitter list of everyone who contributes to this column. .

Larry Ferlazzo's Tips for Motivating Students: Communication and Compliance

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