Huawei Announces Unique New Smartwatch With A Surprise Lurking Inside

Huawei Announces Unique New Smartwatch With A Surprise Lurking Inside

For example, if you have a smartwatch, you know you can listen to music while you exercise. But you need headphones for that. Huawei's latest release, just announced and released on March 1st, means you don't have to worry if you forget your headphones.

That's because the Huawei Watch Buds, as the new watch is called, have a pair of earbuds inside. Yes, on the clock, that's right.

Compared to other smartwatches, the watch has a flip screen that isn't too deep from one screen to the other. It is fixed with a magnet and the first surprise when you open it is how thin the screen is. The second surprise is the content. On either side of the central compartment are two ports that house the battery and electronics.

And the ports have two small headphones. It's spherical in shape, but the earcups are really small, with rubber tips inside instead of gunpowder. They come in three sizes of ear tips, so you get decent sound isolation, although the largest ear tip may not fit particularly spacious ear holes.

The idea behind this remarkable innovation is that you'll never be without your headphones and can avoid losing them in your bag when you're done listening (since most of us don't bother putting AirPods on). for example) as they can be returned to the watch where they can be recharged.

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