Time Techno Consolidated September 2023 Net Sales At Rs 1,194.21 Crore, Up 16.62% YoY

Time Techno Consolidated September 2023 Net Sales At Rs 1,194.21 Crore, Up 16.62% YoY

Australia's crushing defeat by India in the World Cup final 50 years ago was seen as sacrilege and heresy in the religio-nationalist history of the young Indian nation. After all, cricket has the charm and power of an ancient religion and, along with the glamor of Bollywood, sets the cultural agenda for the entire country. However, the 11 people who had by then received the collective equivalent of Mage worship were disillusioned and eventually fell under the weight of the expectations of 1.2 billion people clamoring for the blood of their opponents. Was it fear-induced adrenaline that got in the way of hours of training, or was it wrong and confusing decisions that got in the way of the trick? What made a perfectly competent team not quit when it mattered most? , , , His last game, united fraternity to play safe, although there were discussions and theories on the internet that the Indian team did not bat. aggressive boundaries and sixths. Some have theories about drowning, an inevitable turn into bluesy funk, or just plain old fear taking the form of a deadly tiger attack. These are not the only feelings that arise from panic, but they are very common because we suddenly break out of our natural and calm state and try to do more. Who hasn't had a panic attack while experiencing a cold reaction? Even the highly motivated, dopamine-addicted sharks of Wall Street have bad days, and in fact, after a wave of profits, many traders are told to go home due to laziness or jumps, which they do. more stupid tasks. This is not an abnormal development as the body goes into shock due to the important catecholamine adrenaline or emergency hormone that causes a person to flee or freeze in the face of real or perceived danger. As organisms with extraordinary planning abilities and wild imaginations, we extrapolate multiple possibilities and consequences to a stimulus, causing the epicenter of decision-making and learning, our unique prefrontal cortex, to receive confusing signals. Thus, stress significantly alters cognitive performance in high performance tasks. This fear affects the amygdala, the high priest of fear, which blocks the neural pathways to the prefrontal cortex, the higher thinking organ. However, in a surprising finding from studies of dopamine-mediated reward regions of the brain, an area called the ventral striatum lights up in anticipation of a reward, but then dims over time. Here, the satisfaction principle lends itself to the so-called "loss aversion perspective theory" introduced by Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate in behavioral economics. This dopamine-filled part of the brain does not respond to the joy of winning with the same initial rush of dopamine because the fear of losing is perceived more strongly by the brain. Loss aversion is clearly a cognitive bias that causes us to say that avoiding losses is more important to survival than winning. Perhaps this is a consequence of our evolutionary biology, where the pursuit of negativity, danger, or loss is more important than pleasure or victory. There is an asymmetric relationship between aversion to losing and propensity to win, with the pain of losing twice as strong as that of winning. That's why neuroscientists say that even for experts, the only way is to leave it to fate, God or something independent of us. Sian Baylock, president and professor of psychology at Barnard College in New York, in her 2010 "Drown. What the Secrets of the Brain Reveal,” which explores the analysis paralysis that gifted people experience when they're forced to. You. falling flat on the face at fateful moments; Implicit learning, which is stored in our brains, is an almost involuntary skill that is often practiced. When you start obsessing over the outcome of the game, that extra thought drains your energy and becomes noise. Therefore, they are real and losers. It's not really wrong, but it's worth its weight in gold. the more you think you lose, the more you actually lose.

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