Listening To Music Before A Competition Can Boost Your Performance

Listening To Music Before A Competition Can Boost Your Performance

If you exercise regularly, you may notice that playing background music increases your effort. Researchers know this is an ergogenic effect; The right music relaxes you and triggers a positive stress response in the body.

"Music is known to enhance performance during training, but athletes should not wear headphones during competition. We wanted to understand what happens if you listen to music before competition, rather than during competition," said Professor Aaron Laksdale of the University of Oxford. . Suspension (UAU).

To get to this point, he and his partners needed forty young soldiers and two copies of their techno tune.

"We recruited people from among the new recruits to take part in the experiment. It was a conscious choice because they were the same age, had more or less the same taste in music, and were relatively well trained," said Laksdal.

It is important for researchers to examine factors that may influence the results. So it's also important to choose your music carefully.

"If someone has a different relationship to 'Eye of the Tiger,' it will be great when they hear it. Others may have a negative view of the song, and that can affect the performance," Laksdal said.

The researchers had to expose the participants to music they had not heard before. The solution is the graduate students of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Electronic Music.

Specially composed music

"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time anyone has investigated the effects of subjective music before competition," said Associate Professor Andreas Waller-Roskol of the UIA.

He runs a graduate course in electronic music at the university and guides students to create music that is suitable for education and can adapt to temperature.

"The challenge is making music that relates to the survey and still matches what's on the theme's playlist," he said.

The best solution came from his student Martin Brodifoll Vostig. Techno tracks are designed to be played fast or slow without compromising the quality of the music.

"The ability to develop music on this scale strengthens our research. We want music that audiences can understand without sound, and that people want to participate in," said Roscoe.

Previous research from the UIA has shown that people respond physically to electronic dance music (EDM) whether they want to or not.

It is better to prepare for the music

In one series of experiments, forty young soldiers—23 males and 17 females—were given a fast version, a slow version or no music. Then they were asked how they felt. So, finally, we finished session 32 on the rowing machine.

The researchers measured the effects of music in two areas.

One area is the state of mind. Because the participants feel the second aspect is how prepared the participants are, how "enthusiastic" they are.

“After listening to the music, the participants scored higher in both directions. Whether the music was fast or slow, it had a more positive conditioning effect on the performers than it did when they were not listening to the music,” Laksdal says.

People who listen to fast music before exercising put in more effort when rowing.

"This suggests that people who listen to music before a race get more psychological benefits," said Laksdal.

The study was published in the journal Music and Science .

More information: Christopher Gary Busey et al., Turn Up the Music: Effects of Pre-Exercise Music Timing on Arousal, Emotional State, Perceived Exertion, and Anaerobic Performance, Music & Science (2023). doi: 10.1177/20592043231174388

Courtesy of Agder University

Excerpt : Listening to music before a competition improves your performance (2023, August 15) Retrieved August 20, 2023 from

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