A public hearing is scheduled for a proposal to turn Timberland into a technology-focused "campus" with warehouses, data centers and offices in Spotsylvania County.
Public Hearing To Address Proposed ‘techno Campus
Public hearings are on the agenda for Tuesday's supervisory board meeting, which begins at 4:30 p.m. in the Hulbert building. Public agenda sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m.
SpotsyTechnoCampus LLC wishes to rezone the 314.59 acre property between US 1 and Interstate 95 in Thornburg from agriculture to industry.
The proposal includes the construction of a 2.6 million square foot “Enterprise Technology Campus” north of the intersection of Mudd Tavern and Morris Road on land bounded by US 1, Riverview Elementary School, Thornburg High School, Hickory Ridge Road and North Roxbury. Mill Street. .
The proposed campus would include "warehouses, data centers, bioscience labs, and light industrial facilities such as electrical equipment manufacturing and pharmaceutical manufacturing." The campus has an area of 300,000 square meters that can accommodate "corporate offices, government offices and educational institutions".
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According to the request, the group agreed to develop the property in two phases.
The first phase will use 1 million square meters of industrial space. The second phase will include the rest of the project, which is expected to provide 12,318 car trips per day.
Some residents raised concerns during the virtual community meeting in March 2022 and the planning committee meeting on January 4, which focused on the professors represented by the candidates.
The main problem is related to the impact of traffic. Staff also expressed concern with the road improvements proposed by the applicant, including the lack of commitment to road improvements.
Associate Director of Planning and Zoning Kimberly Pomato said staff would not recommend approval until the proposal addresses traffic improvements, including property setbacks and setbacks.
Charlie Payne, who represents the company, told a planning committee hearing on January 4 that they had addressed most employee concerns, including making appropriate changes to the road work plan, setbacks and reverses.
He indicated that he would formally present it at a public hearing before the supervisory board.
Payne said the plaintiff is committed to various road improvements if the property is fully developed and compatible with current traffic impact.
Road improvements under the plan will target the intersection of US 1, Mudd Tavern Road and Morris Road; Exit I-95 at Mud Tavern Street; and redevelopment of the intersection of North Roxbury Mill Road and US 1, which will include a stop.
Payne also told the planning committee that the site had been selected by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership as a project that could receive state funding for "incentives and infrastructure support."
The property has been used for lumber production for many years, he said, adding that the province and state are monitoring its economic development due to its convenient location near the highway.
Payne estimates the project will take seven years, with work on the second phase expected to begin in 2025 or 2026.