J.D. Vance Tells MarketWatch He Wants To End Tax Loopholes For Tech Companies And Ban Congressional Stock Trading

J.D. Vance Tells MarketWatch He Wants To End Tax Loopholes For Tech Companies And Ban Congressional Stock Trading

JD Vance, an Ohio Republican running for the US Senate against Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan, said in an interview with MarketWatch that he would support a bipartisan push to ban members of Congress from trading stocks.

Responding to five questions from MarketWatch, Vance, a venture capitalist and author of the memoir Hillbilly Elegy, discussed the Supreme Court's 1973 ruling on abortion rights in Roe v. He also reaffirmed his support for Wade and his criticism of President Joe. Biden seeks to eliminate federal student loans of up to $10,000 per credit (or $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients).

As lawmakers on both sides of the aisle pushed to ban stock trading, or at least restrict the buying and selling of private stocks, some members of Congress have come under fire for trading ahead of a market crash that could start as early as 2020. COVID-19 epidemic.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose husband owns and runs a San Francisco venture capital and investment firm, initially rejected the proposal, saying last December that the United States is a "free market economy" and members of Congress and their peers. families "should be able to participate." Since then, he has softened his stance on trade reform in Congress, recently passing a bill that would bar lawmakers, top congressional officials, Supreme Court justices and executives from owning or trading private stock.

Read: Congressional Observer Criticizes House Democrats' Plan To Ban Stock Trading. "They filled pills with poison"

Vance and Ryan, who have represented Northeast Ohio in Congress since 2003, will meet Monday night for the second Senate campaign debate. MarketWatch sent the same poll to Ryan's campaign and rival Senate candidates. Ryan didn't reply.

Highlights of the first debate. Ohio Nominees Tim Ryan and JD Vance Discuss Abortion, Inflation, Ukraine, China and Senate Jurisdiction

The race for the seat was closely watched after Republican Senator Rob Portman announced his resignation, leading to the Republican primary, which Vance won with 32.2 percent of the vote. Vance's offer included backing from former President Donald Trump and $15 million in backing from Vance's venture capitalist Peter Thiel.

Read: Meet the 10 biggest mega-donors in the 2022 midterms

Cook's political report calls the race "poor" by Republicans, and polls since early September show Vance leading by one point on average.

Below are MarketWatch's questions and Vance's answers.

How do you propose to deal with high inflation in the US?

First, stop spending recklessly. Second, let's open up our energy. more oil and gas leasing, more refining capacity, and fewer ESG rules that prevent us from developing our energy capabilities.

If you had to make one corporate tax policy change and one individual tax policy change, which would it be?

Eliminate corporate tax loopholes that allow digital companies and corporations with other asset classes to pay much lower effective rates than manufacturing and energy companies. We can do a lot with individual taxes, but we really need to fix the marriage penalty that is included in the earned income tax credit.

Did the Supreme Court in Roe v. Are you sure you want to cancel? What should the White House, Congress, and US states do in response?

The Supreme Court's decision returned power to the people's representatives, and rightly so. I am pro-life and would like new legislation to save lives, increase access to health care for young families, and increase access to adoption services.

What do you think of President Biden's decision to write off a certain amount of student loan debt?

This is a joke and it's not fair. Move money from the working class to the professionals and save a corrupt university system that has become expensive. We should be taxing college endowments and paying for colleges, not the average American. It should be noted that my opponent turned around on this issue. he supported debt relief two years ago and now opposes it because he fears it will cost him his Senate seat (it will).

Democrats reject Biden's plan to cancel student loans in tight Senate race

How much do you support the bipartisan push by US senators and representatives to ban private equity trading?

I think it's a good idea. Nancy Pelosi will not be able to guarantee Google's special privileges and then buy its shares to profit from her political power.

Pelosi says her husband doesn't trade stocks based on her information

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